Parents and Mentors Are Key to Ending Teen Dating Violence

A boy faces a girl and holds flowers behind his back

One in three U.S. teens experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by a partner. Because of this, the need to address teen dating violence has never been greater. Fortunately, prevention and, if needed, intervention by a parent, mentor, or other concerned individual can be life-saving for a teen survivor. To be that support, learning the…

A Heart to Help

junior league of Jacksonville

Hubbard House Volunteers Built and Sustain This House of Hope When you consider the impact volunteers have on an organization, it’s common to say an organization wouldn’t be here without the support of volunteers. For Hubbard House, that couldn’t be truer. Hubbard House was founded by a passionate group of volunteers, who knew there was…

From Shelter to Fresh Start in Seven Weeks


When a survivor walks through the door of shelter, she is bruised and battered, often disheartened, and nearly always afraid, but in seven weeks’ time, with the help of her Hubbard House advocate, everything will be different, transformed. How does this partnership between survivor and advocate work? And, how is it that in an average…

Domestic Violence and Pets

caucasian woman and her dalmation

For survivors of domestic violence, safety for themselves and their children is always top of mind.  But it doesn’t end there. Another family member is often high on the survivor’s list of concerns – the family pet. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence says 71 percent of pet owners who enter domestic violence shelters report…

Back-to-school season isn’t only for children!


Many adults decide to seek or continue their education later in life. They may want to get a better job or know more about something they’re passionate about. They may just enjoy learning new things! For survivors of domestic violence, though, the path toward education can be a challenge. Education and Abuse An abuser may…

John and Son Find Freedom

This month, a month we celebrate fathers, we also face a tough truth: Though they represent a smaller portion of the survivor population, men can be victimized in domestic violence situations, and the abuse is very real to those experiencing it. Fortunately, Hubbard House is here to help all survivors with life-saving and life-saving shelter…

Unable to help, but the life-saving work continues

Gabbie, Hubbard House Public Health Intern As the severity of the COVID-19 virus began to sink in across the country and in our community, Hubbard House made the difficult decision to suspend all volunteer and intern activities, in order to reduce the exposure risk for the survivors and families we serve. While it’s the right…

Meet A Hero! Once helped to find freedom, Suellen gives back to support survivors

Suellen once received good advice regarding a restraining order from a sister shelter. Today, she helps Hubbard House because she likes to, because she can, and because she vowed to repay the favor she feels she once received. In short, Suellen, a survivor, uses the Stand Up & Stride, Hubbard House’s annual Domestic Violence Awareness…