Get Involved

Men against violence against women®

Promoting a clear mission for all men: end violence against women.

Our Mission

To empower men to end all forms of violence against women by educating ourselves and the community, raising awareness, and creating social change.

Our Vision

Men Against Violence Against Women® is a volunteer-based organization founded and run by men who want to put an end to gender-based violence and sexism. Since 2000, as an official auxiliary organization of Hubbard House, we have dedicated ourselves to speaking up and supporting agencies and community organizations who align with our mission.

Our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and other loved ones deserve safety and a life without violence. If you are one of the good guys, if you want to do something about domestic violence but are frustrated and don’t know where to begin, that is where MAVAW comes in.  We can’t make changes alone, but together, we can start.

How You Can Help

MAVAW® needs your help. We need men who are willing to be brave, challenge societal norms, and help us address gender-based violence and sexism.

There are a number of ways to participate:

  • Become a Member: Show your support by joining MAVAW®! Sign the pledge to remain violence-free and make a commitment to become involved in some way, whether individually or through our efforts.
  • Become a Steering Committee Member: The Steering Committee is a small group of dedicated men who take the lead in strategic planning for MAVAW®. They meet at least quarterly to determine the focus and goals, help plan awareness events, and recruit new members.
  • Volunteer: We have opportunities throughout the year to participate in social and community events, including MAVAW® hosted events. We participate in walks/run events, conferences, special breakfasts/luncheons/dinners, and more. From staffing a table and passing out information, to speaking publicly and/or posting to social media, we need volunteers to engage and get the word out to more men! Email for more information.
  • Speak Up: If you have a passion for speaking publicly and are comfortable engaging audiences, we can help train you to share your passion and energy to affect positive change.
  • Donate: If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Hubbard House, Inc, go here.

Take the Pledge

To join us in this important work, we invite you to take the pledge:

I agree to remain violence-free in all my relationships.

I agree never to commit, condone, or remain silent about domestic violence.

I pledge to stand with other men in our community to work towards eradicating domestic violence in all its forms by educating myself and the community, raising awareness, and creating social change.